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Regular Selectboard Meeting

September 3, 2024 @ 17:30 – 19:30 America/New York Timezone

Windham, VT Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Hybrid Meeting – In-person at the Meeting House & Online via Zoom

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 5:30 PM

To the Public:  If you want to join us via Zoom or by phone, an invitation with the link is included at the end of the agenda.  Please keep yourself muted while not speaking to minimize background noise.

Note: Action may be taken on any agenda item.

  • Start recording & call meeting to order
  • Additions/deletions and/or changes to the agenda
  • Announcements/reminders
  • Act on minutes from the 8/26/24 Selectboard Meeting
  • Public Comment – Limit of 3 minutes/comment. Limited to topics that are not on the agenda. Comments should be directed to the chair with order maintained. The selectboard cannot discuss items that are not on this agenda.
  • Correspondence – Limited to topics that are not on the agenda. There can be no public comments or selectboard discussion of correspondence at this meeting.
  • Payroll/Bills: Discussion/motions to approve check warrant report(s) (Kord will sign if approved)
  • Guest and Staff Reports with Discussion and Possible Decisions
    1. Roads – Kord (Hiring Reg Pare for GIA and culvert/ditching work)
    2. Grant Strategist – Cathy Edgerly Fales (Concert 9/14, grant updates)
    3. Listers – Antje (lister issues, sales equalization study, ongoing training needs)
    4. Town Clerk – Ellen McDuffie (tax abatement meetings, updates)
    5. Planning Commission/Energy Committee – Bill Dunkel (9/4 hearing, Window Dressers, etc.)
    6. Website Manager – Bea Eliastam (website development/outreach to town chairs)
  • New Business
    1. Discuss Green Mountain Gardeners Invasive Species Workshop 9/6
    2. Discuss Pete’s Roadside mowers for sale
    3. Discuss grant for road erosion inventory update
    4. Discuss having window inserts made for the Meeting House & School (if not covered above) – Kord
  • Old Business
    1. Prepare for meeting with school board September 16 – Michael
    2. Discuss possible actions to mitigate extraordinary tax bills – All
    3. Update on new AV Equipment setup/storage – George
    4. Update on search for new lister/ new town treasurer/possible other positions/Deadlines – Michael
  • Executive Session re “pending or probable civil litigation or a prosecution to which the public body is or may be a party” (Include motions & stop and restart recording)
  • Adjourn regular meeting & stop recording.

The next Regular Selectboard Meeting – Monday, September 16 at 5:30 pm

Kord Scott is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Regular Selectboard Meeting

Time: Sep 3, 2024 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 1320 6308

Passcode: 333127

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