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Author: vancebell

Lowell Lake Working Group

See attached information from Forests, Parks and Recreation for upgrading and increasing visitors to Lowell Lake State Park in Londonderry.

Subject: Lowell Lake State Park – Meeting Thursday, March 28 at 6:30 PM at Neighborhood Connections

Lowell Lake Working Group

Proposed Agenda

March 28, 2019, 6:30 PM

Neighborhood Connections, 5700 Mountain Marketplace, Londonderry

·      Welcome to new participants, sign-in sheet, meeting protocol

·      Group organization and process

§  How should the group make decisions between meetings?

§  Because the group has grown, do we need a Steering Committee?

§  Being inclusive while remaining productive

·      Discussion of messaging and press releases

§  Who will be designated to respond to the press?

§  Should we issue press releases and if so, when?

§  Informational brochure, letters to the editor, paid ads

§  Lawn signs

§  Community/town hall-type meetings to inform the public – when, where, who will present and on what topics

·      Producing Our Position Paper

§  Identifying Individuals or teams to produce content on key subjects: overnight lodging, the cabins and other building, the impacts of ADA compliance, sanitary facilities, expansion of access roads and/or parking, logging, habitats, water quality, noise, light pollution, traffic, fees/segregation of access based on use and fees, etc.

§  Format, version control, supporting data, citations, etc.

§  Who will aggregate?

§  Deadline for Position Paper

§  Distribution

·      Interaction with Forests, Parks and Recreation

§  Status of the questions we submitted

§  Should we request another meeting with Ethan Phelps?

§  Should we request a meeting with the Stewardship Committee

§  Should we request a meeting with the commissioner?

·      Interaction with Fish & Wildlife – next steps?

·      Interaction with Select Boards, Conservation Commissions/Committees, etc.

·      Interaction with elected state representatives

·      Next Meeting

§  Date/time/place

§  Agenda items

§  Who will facilitate?