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Author: vancebell


Many of you may have received a message posted to MuniNet by Secretary of State Condos this morning in response to what appears to be an email scam that claims to be affiliated with the Secretary of State’s Office.

Email-based scams have become increasingly sophisticated, often looking as though they have come from familiar and trusted sources. Municipal officials are often the target of these fraudulent messages, since our email addresses are readily accessible online. We must all be vigilant and read our incoming messages carefully.

I have included the message from Secretary Condos below for your reference. It gives information on the fraudulent email in question and tips about what to do with the email if you were a recipient. I have also included a link to a sample of the fraudulent email that went out soliciting donations.

Please share this information with your colleagues and staff so everyone is aware this scam is out there.

Thank you,

Maura Carroll
Executive Director, VLCT


Good morning,

You may have seen an email message that appears to be from the VT Secretary of State’s office this morning promoting a FUNDLY donation link to help a daughter in need of an operation.

The email has a VT Secretary of State header and what looks like a legitimate email address.

This email is FRAUDULENT and not associated with this office in any way.
*    Do not click any of the links in the email.
*    Do not donate any money. This email is a spear-phishing scam.

We have had many contacts from people who have received this email – all appear to be current or former municipal officials whose email addresses are publicly available. It would be prudent to contact ALL municipal officials in your towns to notify of this scam.  If you know of others who have received this email please notify them that it is fraudulent, and instruct them not to click any of the links in the email or donate.

Our office has reported this website for fraudulent activity to the Attorney General’s office, and have requested that the owners immediately take it down and return any and all donations that may have come in.


Caroling & Tree Lighting at Meeting House

Dear neighbors and friends,

Here’s a friendly reminder that on November 24th — next Friday — at 4:00 we will celebrate the post-Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas holidays at the Windham meetinghouse with singing, mulled cider, and a count-down to the lighting of the big outside tree.  Please come.

Windham Regional Commission Seeks Input on Draft Energy Plan

The Windham Regional Commission looks for public comments as they develop the Regional Energy Plan with four public meetings in December and January. The meetings will be an opportunity for the public to come and learn about why the Regional Planning Commission is creating a Regional Energy Plan, what information is included in those plans, and what that means for towns. The attendees will be invited to express comments on the draft plan and, more broadly, on energy planning in our region.
The draft plan was developed with guidance from the Department of Public Service and the three Regional Planning Commissions who have completed their Energy Plans. The draft plan and background information can be found on the WRC website:
The meetings will be held:
 Monday, December 4th at 6:30 pm location: Townshend Town Hall, 2006 Route 30, Townshend
 Wednesday, December 6th at 6:30 pm location: Dover Town Hall, 190 Taft Brook Rd, East Dover
 Monday, January 8th at 6:30 pm location: Townshend Town Hall, 2006 Route 30, Townshend
 Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30 pm location: Jamaica Town Hall, 3735 Route 30, Jamaica
The Windham Regional Commission is one of eleven regional planning commissions in Vermont, and since 1965 has been assisting the 27 towns in southeastern Vermont to provide effective local government and work cooperatively with them to address regional issues.
For more information contact Marion Major at Windham Regional Commission at 802-257-4547 x 109 or, or visit our website at


6:00 PM

The legal voters of the Town of Windham are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Meeting House (26 Harrington Road) to act on the following town officer election:

Town Clerk – to fill the remainder of the current 3-year term (which expires in March of 2019)

Information on voter registration is available on line at the Vermont Secretary of State’s website

or at the Windham Town Office during regular business hours

F. Seawright

Kord Scott

Maureen S. Bell

Windham Energy Fair

The Windham Energy Committee is sponsoring an energy fair on Thursday, November 9, at the elementary school in Windham.  Members of the public from Windham and neighboring towns are invited to attend, free of charge.  Local vendors and representatives of non-profit organizations which specialize in weatherization, home energy audits, rebates and low interest loans, efficient home heating, renewable energy generation and electric vehicles will be present to share information and answer questions. The schedule for the fair is as follows:

5:00-6:00 PM – Test drive an electric car; informal discussions with vendors

6:00-6:45 PM – Formal presentations

6:45-8:00 PM –  Questions and Answers at vendor tables