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Author: vancebell

Town Clerk Hours for week on 7-31-17

Please be advised that the Town Office will be open next week during the following hours:

Monday                     12:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday                      6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday              10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

Saturday August 19th from 8am – 11 am

Closed Thursday and Friday.


Please call Mike McLaine  at home at 875 1550 if you need the office to be open at any other hours, and I will do my best to accommodate you.

Town office : (802)-874-4144

Caution – Telephone Scam in Area

To our fellow Windham Residents,
“At WCO it was learned that an elderly Windham woman fell prey to a telephone scam in which she actually sent $1500 to someone telling her she won a prize but first had to send them the money. She got suspicious when they called her a 2nd time.  At that point she contacted Neighborhood Connections who has helped her contact the police. Likely nothing will come from it.

Another resident said she too got a call from someone who sounded as if he knew her and when he said something like, “you know who this is” and she said, “Tony?”, the guy pretended to be Tony. . .”

Remember to be vigilant against these kinds of scams and report any suspicious telephone calls to the police.

Windham Community Day Camp Benefit Ice Cream Social

Please come to an ice cream social this coming Sunday evening, June 25th, from 6 to 8 at Windham’s meetinghouse (the white church on the hill).  Payment is by donation and will benefit the  which will take place during the second and third weeks of July

West River Modified Union Education District

West River MUED – warning

June 26th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
The legal voters of the West River Modified Union Education District (the “District”), comprising the voters of the Towns of Brookline, Jamaica, Newfane, and Townshend for prekindergarten through Grade 12 and the Town of Windham for Grades 7-12, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Leland and Gray Middle High School in Townshend, VT, on the 26th day of June, 2017, in the Library, at 7:00 p.m. to conduct the following business:
Article 1: To elect a temporary presiding officer and clerk from among the qualified voters.
Article 2: To adopt Robert’s Rules of Order or other rules of order to govern the parliamentary procedures of this and subsequent meetings of the District.
Article 3: To elect the following officers to serve from their election and qualification for one year or until the election and qualification of their successors:
 Moderator
 Clerk
 Treasurer
Article 4: To determine and approve compensation, if any, to be paid District officers.
Article 5: To establish a date of the annual meeting.
Article 6: To establish provisions for the payment of any expense incurred by the District.
Article 7: To authorize the District to borrow money pending receipt of payments from the State Education Fund by the issuance of its notes or orders payable not later than one year from date: provided, however, that the newly formed District is authorized by Vermont Statutes to borrow sufficient funds to meet pending obligations.
Article 8: To determine and approve compensation, if any, to be paid to School Board Directors.
Article 9: To determine whether to authorize the Board of School Directors, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. §563(10) & (11)(C), to provide mailed notice to residents of the availability of the Annual Report and proposed school budget in lieu of distributing the Annual Report and proposed budget.
Article 10: To transact any other school business thought proper when met.
Dated this 24 day of May, 2017.

Rebecca Holcombe, Ed.D.
Secretary of Education

New Town Office Hours

Mike McLaine

Windham Town Clerk

Windham Town Office

5976 Windham Hill Road

Windham, Vermont 05359

Tel: (802)-874-4211

Fax: (802)-874-4144


Monday noon – 8pm

Tuesday 6am-10am

Wednesday 10am – 2pm

Closed Thursday & Friday

Grievance Hearings for the 2017 Grand List


Warning of Property Tax Grievance
Windham Board of Listers will hold
Grievance Hearings for the 2017 Grand List

Saturday June 10, 2017 9 am -12:00 noon
Wednesday June 14,2017 9 am – 3:00 pm
PIease call the town office to schedule a time.