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Windham Community Day Camp Benefit Ice Cream Social

Please come to an ice cream social this coming Sunday evening, June 25th, from 6 to 8 at Windham’s meetinghouse (the white church on the hill).  Payment is by donation and will benefit the  which will take place during the second and third weeks of July

WCO Meeting agenda


May 31, 2017


7:00 PM – Meeting Call to Order

Secretary’s Report – Joyce Cumming

Treasurer’s Report – Cindy Kehoe

Committee Reports –

Good Neighbors – Mia Clark

News and Notes – Ellen McDuffie – Subscription Mailing and Emergency Management Survey sent out. Good response. New ads will start with July issue; need to meet end of next week.

Old Business –

         Thank You Letter –Kathy, Joyce, Cindy, Ellen to draft; need to be sure it satisfies IRS requirements for tax deduction

         Update Bylaws – Officers to draft, revisions in progress, need to meet soon to come up with a draft to present at our next meeting.

         Chicken BBQ July 15 – Mia and Ellen Run through of things to do in May/June

New Business –

Announcements –

New Town Clerk – The Selectboard appointed Mike McLaine on May 30.

West Townshend – Townshend Farmers Market will run every Friday from 4-7PM. Friday, June 2nd we will have the Maypole and other kids’ activities and live music.

Grace Cottage – Tee it Up for Health Golf Tournament at Hermitage Club on June 9

Windham Elementary – Graduation Thursday, June 15 at 6 PM

Ice Cream Social – Sunday, June 25 from 6-8 PM

Hazardous Waste Collection – Flood Brook June 3 from 9 AM-1 PM

Next Meeting – Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM


Windham History Project at Windham Elementary School

TODAY —May 11  — We will be having an old fashioned potluck at 5:30, followed by a short exhibition of the students “Windham History Project.”  Immediately following we have a short time set aside for square dancing.   It should be fun to search books or the internet for old time recipes.  This is not exclusively for the school, bring friends, relatives, neighbors, and the more the merrier.