Hazardous Waste Collection Day Info (click here)

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The Windham Energy Committee is deciding weather or not to work with the Window Dressers program. The nonprofit organization program involves the construction of relatively low-cost insulating inserts for windows. The project measures the windows; you assist in constructing the inserts and installation. Details may be found at https://windowdressers.org/ If you are interested and would like more information please contact Bill Dunkel ASAP.
Local Concerns Meeting
Windham Route 121 Culvert Replacement Project
Presentation: Otter Creek Engineering, Windham Regional Commission
As part of the Windham Selectboard meeting starting at 5:30 PM on May 17, 2021, this will be the first of three public meetings to inform and solicit input from the public on this project funded 80% by a Federal grant. The proposal is to replace a deteriorated culvert with precast box concrete structure with wing walls (on the gravel section of Route 121 not far from the intersection with Windham Hill Road). The project construction/completion is anticipated for summer 2023.
Please join us by Zoom to hear what the engineering company has to say and bring your questions. You can access the meeting online or by phone using the following information:
Topic: Selectboard Meeting
Time: May 17, 2021 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 089067
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From Drew Hazelton. Rescue Inc will be bringing their mobile clinic to the Town Office parking lot next Monday from 6-8 PM.
They will have the 1-shot J&J vaccine.
He said we don’t have to do anything – they’ll take care of everything including advertising. But it probably couldn’t hurt for us to spread the word around.
If there are any questions, let me know or get in touch with Drew directly.
Hello Windham Selectboard
Here is some info that can be shared with the folks in Windham.
The Public Utility Commission has authorized Green Mountain Power to proactively remove both infested and not-yet infested ash trees in the areas that the State Agency of Natural Resources has identified as “Confirmed Infested” with Emerald Ash Borer. As shown in red in the diagram below, the town of Windham is included in a confirmed infested zone established in 2018.
Trees that are included in the program are within the power line right-of-ways and outside of the right-of-way if it has the capacity to strike the line. This only includes trees on the powerline side of the road, not on the opposite of the road. In segments that cross the road, this includes trees on both sides of the road that are considered as a threat to the lines.
The trees are identified, marked, and recorded into a data collection application. Each landowner is contacted and asked for permission to cut the trees. Once permission is granted the crews are cleared to cut the trees.
Our crews cut the trees from the top down from either a bucket truck or by climbing. In some off-road cases, the trees can be felled from the stump using directional felling techniques.
For on-road locations, the branches are chipped and the chips are hauled away. For off-road locations, the branches are cut so they are making ground contact and left on site. In all cases, the wood belongs to the landowner and is left at the stump, generally with a butt log that is 8′ to 15′ long and smaller pieces from the upper stem wood. We have been successful in working with town road crews, firewood donation programs, and neighbors to find a home for any wood that a landowner does not want. The crews all follow strict protocols to avoid any damage to soil and water resources, threatened or endangered species, structures, and surrounding vegetation.
The Vermont Urban & Community Forestry program has some great resources for towns.
The VT Agency of Natural Resources has general information about EAB.
The second and third images show the GMP pole locations within the town where at least one ash tree is located. Many of these locations have multiple ash trees. The colors represent the status of the trees.
Pink indicates identified but not yet received permission to cut.
Green indicates permissioned for cutting.
Red indicates that the landowner has refused cutting.
Black indicates all trees cut.
Yellow indicates cutting in process.
Blue indicates on-hold.
The attached file includes data for each of the on-road locations in Windham (off-road are not included) which includes the pole location (lat,lon), status, and number of trees by size class.
in total, I have identified 521 trees along the roads in Windham. This does not include trees along Rt 11, which I have yet to survey.
I expect that our crews will be working in town through July with the exception of the off-road trees and a few problem trees. Our current contract with GMP runs through October. We expect that GMP with pursue expansion with the PUC beyond October.
Please feel free to reach out any time with questions or concerns.
Alan Serrano
GMP Emerald Ash Borer Mitigation Coordinator
New England Tree Experts
802.751.5699 m