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The Fourth Corner Foundation’s first gallery opening and reception for 2019

Date:  June 15, 2019    at  5:00pm

Location:  578 Hitchcock Hill Road Windham, VT  05359

phone:  802-875-2194

Description: Gallery opening featuring the work of Rick Veitch cartoonist and graphic novelist as well as selected work by the students of the Art Department of Castleton University.

Opening/reception with refreshments.

Mark H Van Note for The Fourth Corner Foundation

School budget vote notice

WINDHAM IS STILL PART OF THE UNIFIED DISTRICT FOR LELAND & GRAY (even though we voted at Town Meeting to withdraw, that will not be in effect for the upcoming school year)

About the School Budget—It’s time to talk! Come to the informational meeting about the new vote for the school budget for Grades 7 to 12 being held at Leland and Gray at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 25th. The West River board members will answer every question you wish to ask! And, what is that “equalized pupil” figure all about? They can explain that formula so it makes more sense. Here is some good news! The unified school budget for all the grades, Pre-K to 12, actually does reflect savings (about $700,000) compared to what the individual school budgets for these five schools would have totaled before unification. Your vote on the Re-Warned  School Budget impacts all the schools in our district.

About the School Budget—It’s time to VOTE!  Early and absentee ballots for the new vote for the school budget for Grades 7 to 12 are available at your Town Clerk’s office. Voting continues all day on Tuesday, April 30th, from 10 AM until 7 PM at the Windham Town Office. Your vote on the Re-Warned School Budget impacts all the schools in our district. What is the vote about? It’s the second part of the school budget that voters did not approve last month. This vote is for the upper grades. Here’s what you will see on the ballot:  Shall the voters of West River Modified Education District approve the school board to expend $6,402,943 for grades 7 – 12, which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?    — It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $22,369 per equalized pupil.

Absentee voting available in Windham Town Office:

April 27, Saturday 8 AM – NOON

April 29,  Monday 12 PM – 8 PM

Election Day voting available in Windham Town Office:

April 30, Tuesday, 10 AM – 7 PM