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Windham Elementary Informational Meeting

Informational  Meeting:

October 29, 2018 at 7 pm at the Windham Elementary School

This meeting is to inform the residents of Windham of an upcoming vote about the following articles, and the current state of affairs with regard to Act 46.

Shall the voters of Windham Town School District, if the State Board of Education votes to merge the District into West River Modified Union Education District (also sometimes referred to as West River MUUSD):

  1. Authorize the School Board to sell the Windham Elementary School building, associated land, and all associated school-related personal property, including the school bus, to the Town of Windham; and
  2. Authorize the School Board to close Windham Elementary School, effective June 30, 2019, and to provide for the elementary education of the District’s students by paying tuition, in accordance with law, to any public elementary school, or to any approved independent elementary school of the students’ parents’ choice?

Windham School Board:

Carolyn Partridge, Chair

Beth McDonald

Antje Ruppert

Example of ballot for Special Meeting November 26, 2018 7 pm

Special meeting warning Nov. 26, 2018

Wanted – Highway Road Crew Member Position Opening



Highway Road Crew Member: looking for a crew member for the Town of Windham, VT Highway Department, to carry out a variety of highway and town maintenance-related tasks. This position requires mechanical ability, record keeping and communication skills with a preference given for experience in highway maintenance and repair. FT, year-round, 40 hours/week, requiring a flexible schedule which may include nights, weekends and holidays, as well as OT. Position requires 24/7 availability during the winter months. Please phone 802-874-7025 to arrange an interview.

Job Description – Windham Road Crew 2018 Job Description

Windham Town Meeting 2018 Results

You may download the link below

Windham Town Meeting 2018 Results

or the following

Results – Windham Town Meeting 2018

Article 1: To elect a Town Moderator for the year ensuing

                   Elected Mike McLaine

Article 2: To elect a School Moderator for the year ensuing.

                   Elected Mike McLaine

Article 3: To see if voters will accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors.

                   Accepted the report.

Article 4: To elect the following Town Officers:

Office                  Term in years     Elected to Office

Selectman                     3                 Robert Kehoe

Lister                             3                 Russell Cumming

Auditor                         3                 Kathleen Jungermann

Delinquent Tax

Collector                      1                  Erin Kehoe

Grand Juror                1                  James Scott

Town Agent                1                  Michael Simonds

Cemetery Commissioners

Windham Center      5                  Margaret Dwyer

West Windham         5                  Diane Newton

North Windham       5                  Paul  Wyman

Library Trustee         5                  Cynthia Kehoe

Windham School

Director                      3                  Elizabeth McDonald

Constable                   2                  Joseph Lamson

Town School District Meeting

Article 5: Shall the voters pay a salary of $2,250.00 ($ 75 0 .0 0 each to the School Directors for FY 2018 – 2019

      Article Accepted

Article 6: Shall the voters authorize the School Directors to expend

$387,103 to defray the expenses of the Windham Elementary School for the FY 2018 – 2019 school year?

     Article Accepted

Town Meeting Resumed 

Article 7: Shall the voters authorize the Town Treasurer to collect current taxes?

       Article Accepted

Article 8: Shall the Voters appropriate $184,994 for the General Fund?                        Voted 2017 $192,461

       Article Accepted

Article 9: Shall the voters appropriate $398,338 for winter and summer roads?       Voted 2017 $410,602

      Article Accepted

Article 10: Shall the voters appropriate $60,000 for repaving and $15,000 for the bridges and large structures fund?

Voted 2017 $90,000 repaving- $15,000 bridges/large structures

      Article Accepted

Article 11: Shall the voters appropriate $250.00 for The Londonderry Food Shelf/Bank?

     Article Accepted

Article 12: Shall the voters appropriate $100.00 for Gerda’s Equine Rescue?

     Article Accepted

Article 13:    To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.

     Article Accepted