Hold the Date: Town Meeting Day
Town Meeting Day will be held on Saturday, March 9th
Town Meeting Day will be held on Saturday, March 9th
A chance for our community to gather, learn some cooking tips and share what we make, all for FREE! Open link to register and learn more! https://www.winterstable.com/
Windham has received a grant from the AARP of Vermont to help us restore our kitchen and to fund monthly cooking and eating events throughout the Winter of 2024. This will be a chance for Windham residents and friends to gather, learn some cooking tips and share what we make. Each event will feature a chef or baking expert. All food and tools will be supplied. You can enjoy what you’ve made around the table and take any extras home or share with others. ALL FREE! THANKS TO AARP
Below is a copy of the corrected results of the Town Meeting held on Saturday, May 20,2023.
Two corrections were made. Rory Rosselot’s last name was incorrectly spelled as Rosselott in the original version. It is Rosselot (only one “t”).
The results of the School District Meeting, Article 5 were 78 for the school budget and 49 voted against the budget. The previous version stated 29 voted against the budget.
Thank you,
Good afternoon,
Please see the results below of the Windham Town Meeting held in person May 20, 2023 by floor vote.
Article 1: To elect a Town Moderator for the year ensuing.
Michael McLaine
Article 2: Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?
Article 3: To elect all Town Officers as required by law: All positions were uncontested except for Windham Center Cemetery Commissioner
Selectperson, 3-year term:
Kord Scott
Lister, 3-year term
Ron Cohen
Auditor, 3-year term
Becky Phillips
Delinquent Tax Collector, 1-year term
Paul Wyman
Windham Center Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:
By Hand Vote
Margaret Dwyer – 61; Abigail Pelton – 34
West Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:
Diane Newton
North Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:
Paul Wyman
Library Trustee, 5-year term:
Cynthia Kehoe
Article 4: Shall the voters authorize the Town Treasurer to collect current taxes?
Article 5: Shall the voters set the due date for property taxes as postmarked on or before October 31, 2023?
Article 6: Shall the voters authorize $257,488 for the General Fund? Voted 2022: $236,413
Article 7: Shall the voters authorize Roads Budget expenditures of $506,580, of which $476,603 shall be raised by taxes, and $30,375 shall be applied from FY2022 budget surplus? Voted 2022: $488,568
Article 8: Shall the voters appropriate $35,000 for the New Road Machinery Fund? Voted 2022: $30,000
Article 9: Shall the voters appropriate $30,000 for Repaving and no new funds for Bridges and Large Structures? Voted 2022: $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for Bridges and Large Structures
Article 10: Shall the voters contribute $10,000 to the Meeting House Maintenance & Improvement Fund? Voted 2022: $5,000
Article 11: Shall the voters contribute $10,000 for the Town Garage Maintenance & Improvement Fund?
Article 12: Shall the voters appropriate $10,000 for the Town-wide Reappraisal of Properties?
Article 13: Shall the voters establish a NEMRC Fund for accounting software and services and appropriate $5,000 for this fund?
Article 14: To transact any other non-binding business that may legally come before this meeting? Nothing to vote on – Invasive Japanese Knotweed and effect of harvesting certain species of trees on our bat population were brought up, along with inappropriate posts on Facebook.
Article 1: To elect a Moderator for a term of one (1) year.
Michael McLaine
Article 2: Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?
Article 3: To elect all other officers required by law to be elected at the Windham School:
School District Treasurer, 1-year term (ending 2024)
Kathy Scott
School District Director, 3-year term (ending 2026)
Rory Rosselot
Article 4: To compensate the School Directors $750 each as included in the proposed School Budget for 2023-2024?
Article 5: Shall the voters of the Windham School District approve the school board to expend $ 470,869 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? A paper ballot was called for and moved forward. 127 votes were cast out of 330 registered voters and the results were 78 for and 49 against.
Article passed
Article 6: Shall the voters of the Windham School District authorize the moving of the operational surplus, if any, from FY 2023 to the Capital Reserve Fund?
Article 7: To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting. Nothing to vote on.
Congratulations to all of the Candidates, and thank you to all of the election workers and organizers who worked hard to make this a successful Town Meeting.
Thank you to all who were able to attend.