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School Board

August 15, 2024 @ 16:00 – 17:00 America/New York Timezone

Board of Directors Meeting
Windham School District
August 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Windham Elementary School & Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting: Click Here

Board Meetings on BCTV:

Call to Order 4:00 pm

Changes to the Agenda

Public Comment
Policy (Limit 3 min per comment, directed to the school board chair, maintain order and decorum, use a zoom timer to countdown, one response per agenda item)


Old Business 4:10 pm
Approve Minutes of 6/13/2024
Approve Financials- discussion, action

New Business 5:00 pm
Family Fun Day
Select Board Joint Meeting Regarding Schoolhouse
Windham Energy Committee building use request
Building Operations

3. Adjourn 6:00 pm

Next Meeting: September 12, 2024