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Local Concerns Meeting on Route 121 Culvert Replacement Project

Local Concerns Meeting

Windham Route 121 Culvert Replacement Project

Presentation: Otter Creek Engineering, Windham Regional Commission

As part of the Windham Selectboard meeting starting at 5:30 PM on May 17, 2021, this will be the first of three public meetings to inform and solicit input from the public on this project funded 80% by a Federal grant.  The proposal is to replace a deteriorated culvert with precast box concrete structure with wing walls (on the gravel section of Route 121 not far from the intersection with Windham Hill Road). The project construction/completion is anticipated for summer 2023.

Please join us by Zoom to hear what the engineering company has to say and bring your questions.  You can access the meeting online or by phone using the following information:

Topic: Selectboard Meeting

Time: May 17, 2021 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 829 5030 9371

Passcode: 089067

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Covid19 J&J vaccine mobile clinic in Town on Monday the 17th

From Drew Hazelton.  Rescue Inc will be bringing their mobile clinic to the Town Office parking lot next Monday from 6-8 PM.

They will have the 1-shot J&J vaccine.

He said we don’t have to do anything – they’ll take care of everything including advertising.  But it probably couldn’t hurt for us to spread the word around.

If there are any questions, let me know or get in touch with Drew directly.

Ash tree removal by Green Mountain Power

Hello Windham Selectboard 

Here is some info that can be shared with the folks in Windham.

The Public Utility Commission has authorized Green Mountain Power to proactively remove both infested and not-yet infested ash trees in the areas that the State Agency of Natural Resources has identified as “Confirmed Infested” with Emerald Ash Borer. As shown in red in the diagram below, the town of Windham is included in a confirmed infested zone established in 2018.

Trees that are included in the program are within the power line right-of-ways and outside of the right-of-way if it has the capacity to strike the line. This only includes trees on the powerline side of the road, not on the opposite of the road. In segments that cross the road, this includes trees on both sides of the road that are considered as a threat to the lines.

The trees are identified, marked, and recorded into a data collection application. Each landowner is contacted and asked for permission to cut the trees. Once permission is granted the crews are cleared to cut the trees.

Our crews cut the trees from the top down from either a bucket truck or by climbing.  In some off-road cases, the trees can be felled from the stump using directional felling techniques. 

For on-road locations, the branches are chipped and the chips are hauled away. For off-road locations, the branches are cut so they are making ground contact and left on site. In all cases, the wood belongs to the landowner and is left at the stump, generally with a butt log that is 8′ to 15′ long and smaller pieces from the upper stem wood.  We have been successful in working with town road crews, firewood donation programs, and neighbors to find a home for any wood that a landowner does not want.  The crews all follow strict protocols to avoid any damage to soil and water resources, threatened or endangered species, structures, and surrounding vegetation. 

The Vermont Urban & Community Forestry program has some great resources for towns.

The VT Agency of Natural Resources has general information about EAB.  

The second and third images show the GMP pole locations within the town where at least one ash tree is located. Many of these locations have multiple ash trees. The colors represent the status of the trees. 

Pink indicates identified but not yet received permission to cut. 

Green indicates permissioned for cutting.

Red indicates that the landowner has refused cutting. 

Black indicates all trees cut. 

Yellow indicates cutting in process. 

Blue indicates on-hold.

The attached file includes data for each of the on-road locations in Windham (off-road are not included) which includes the pole location (lat,lon), status, and number of trees by size class.

in total, I have identified 521 trees along the roads in Windham. This does not include trees along Rt 11, which I have yet to survey. 

I expect that our crews will be working in town through July with the exception of the off-road trees and a few problem trees. Our current contract with GMP runs through October. We expect that GMP with pursue expansion with the PUC beyond October.

Please feel free to reach out any time with questions or concerns.




Alan Serrano

GMP Emerald Ash Borer Mitigation Coordinator

New England Tree Experts

802.751.5699 m

Do you have drafty windows? Check out Window Dresser program.

The Windham Energy Committee is deciding weather or not to work with the Window Dressers program. The nonprofit organization program involves the construction of relatively low-cost insulating inserts for windows. The project measures the windows; you assist in constructing the inserts and installation. Details may be found at  If you are interested and would like more information please contact Bill Dunkel ASAP.


Please see the results from today’s meeting held by Australian ballot below.  There were 192 ballots counted, 4 spoiled ballots, and several new voters registered.  Thank you to all of the election workers who volunteered their time–we really appreciate your contribution.

Let me know if you have any questions.  The Town Office will be closed for business tomorrow March 3, 2021, and open again next Monday at the usual time.

Stay safe,




 Article 1:                               To elect a Town Moderator for the year ensuing.

                                                MICHAEL P. McLAINE     182

                                                WRITE IN                              2

                                                BLANK                                  8

Article 2:                Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                YES                                        172                         

                                NO                                          3

                                BLANK                                  17

Article 3:                To elect all Town Officers as required by law:

                                                                Selectperson, 3-year term:

                                                GEORGE G. DUTTON       143

                                                WRITE-IN                              16

                                                BLANK                                  33

                                                                Lister, 3-year term:

                                                RUSS CUMMING                142

                                                WRITE-IN                              12

                                                BLANK                                  38

Auditor, 3-year term:

                                                KATHALEEN JUNGERMANN        172

                                                WRITE-IN                                              2

                                                BLANK                                                  18

                                                                Delinquent Tax Collector, 1-year term:

                                                PAUL WYMAN                   176

                                                WRITE-IN                              3

                                                BLANK                                  13

                                                                Windham Ctr. Cemetery Commissioner, balance of term ending 2022:

                                                WRITE-IN (DEANNA PARKER)       14

                                                BLANK                                                  142

                                                OTHER                                                   36

                                                                Windham Ctr. Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                MARK EMMONS                                173

                                                WRITE-IN                              1

                                                BLANK                                  18

                                                                W. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                WRITE-IN (MICHAEL PELTON)     16

                                                BLANK                                                  150

                                                OTHER                                                   26           

N. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                JONATHAN GORDON       175

                                                WRITE-IN                              2

                                                BLANK                                  15

                                                                Library Trustee, 5-year term:

                                                JOHN HOOVER                  176

                                                WRITE-IN                              1

                                                BLANK                                  15

Article 4:                Shall the voters authorize the Town Treasurer to collect current taxes?

YES                        172

NO                          10

BLANK                  10

Article 5:                Shall the voters set the due date for property taxes as November 1, 2021 (postmarked on or before that date)?

YES                        181         

NO                          3

BLANK                  8

Article 6:                                Shall the voters authorize General Fund expenditures for operating expenses of $229,662, of which $208,521 shall be raised by taxes, and net $21,141 shall be applied from FY20 non-tax revenue which includes FY20 ($5,169) deficit?  Voted 2020: $185,503, of which $148,276 was raised by taxes and $37,227 was raised in non-tax revenue and surplus (when adjusted to reflect the additional $30,000 for the Fire Company voted as a separate article, which is now part of the General Fund, the comparable figure for FY20 is $215,503).

                                                YES                        160

                                                NO                          22

                                                BLANK                  10

Article 7:                                Shall the voters authorize Roads Budget expenditures of $488,568, of which $482,520 shall be raised by taxes, and $6,048 shall be applied from FY20 non-tax revenue and surplus?  Voted 2020: $482,520 (FY19 Roads Budget surplus of $39,522 was applied to New Road Machinery Fund)

                                                YES                        164

                                                NO                          18

                                                BLANK                  10

 Article 8:                               Shall the voters appropriate $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for the Bridges and Large Structures Fund?

(We will also apply $45,908 from FY20 Roads Budget surplus to the Bridges and Large Structures fund.)  Voted 2020: $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for Bridges and Large Structures

                                                YES                        172

                                                NO                          12

                                                BLANK                  8

Article 9:                 Shall the voters appropriate $200 for Senior Solutions to promote the well-being and dignity of older adults; and $325 to SEVCA to empower individuals and communities to alleviate the hardships of poverty?

                                                YES                        178

                                                NO                          6

                                                BLANK                  8

Article 10:                              Shall the voters appropriate $1,300 for an Animal Control Officer as a shared service with other municipalities through a separate agreement with the Sheriff’s Department for the period July through December 2021?

                                                YES                        143

                                                NO                          40

                                                BLANK                  9

Article 11:              Shall the Town establish a Rainy-Day Reserve fund to be used for Rainy Day expenses in accordance with 24 VSA §2804 and transfer $4,500 from the Audit Savings Designated Fund to fund the Rainy-Day Reserve fund?

                                                YES                        152

                                                NO                          29

                                                BLANK                  11


Article 1:                To elect a Moderator for a term of one (1) year.

                                                MICHAEL P. McLAINE                     180

                                                WRITE-IN                                              2

                                                BLANK                                                  10

Article 2:                Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                YES                                                        173

                                                NO                                                          4

                                                BLANK                                                  15

Article 3:                To elect all other officers required by law to be elected at the Windham School:

                                                                School District Treasurer, 1-year term (ending 2022)

                                                WRITE-IN (KATHY SCOTT)             27

                                                OTHER                                                   25

                                                BLANK                                                  140

                                                                School District Director, 3-year term (ending 2024)

                                                ERIN KEHOE                                        90

                                                BETH McDONALD                             98

                                                WRITE-IN                                              4

                                                                School District Director, Balance of term ending 2022

                                                BRIDGET CORBY                                86           

                                                CAROLYN PARTRIDGE                  102

                                                WRITE-IN                                              2

                                                BLANK                                                  2

Article 4:                Shall the voters authorize the School District to compensate the School Directors $750 each as included in the proposed School Budget for 2021-2022?

                                                YES                                                        169

                                                NO                                                          16

                                                BLANK                                                  7

Article 5:                                Shall the voters of the Windham School District approve the school board to expend $387,892 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?  It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $16,959 per equalized pupil.  This projected spending per equalized pupil is 6.70% less than spending for the current year.

                                                YES                                                        149

                                                NO                                                          35

                                                BLANK                                                  8

Mike McLaine

Windham Town Clerk

Windham Town Office

5976 Windham Hill Road

Windham, Vermont 05359

Tel: (802)-874-4211

Fax: (802)-874-4144

Hours during COVID-19 outbreak: 

Monday 12 p.m.-8 p.m.

Tuesday 6 a.m.-10 a.m.

Wednesday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

Closed Thursday & Friday and All Federal Holidays

Fourth Saturday of the month 8am-12pm


REMOTE PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL HEARING NOTICE AND AGENDA The Selectboard for the Town of Windham will hold a public informational hearing by electronic means ( on February 20, 2021 at 1:30 PM to discuss the Australian ballot articles on the 2021 Town Meeting Warning

Windham, VT Special Selectboard Meeting Agenda

REMOTE PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL HEARING NOTICE AND AGENDA The Selectboard for the Town of Windham will hold a public informational hearing by electronic means ( on February 20, 2021 at 1:30 PM to discuss the Australian ballot articles on the 2021 Town Meeting Warning

Information on how to access the remote meeting:

By telephone:  Dial 929-205-6099.  When prompted enter the Meeting ID: 838 5849 3256 and Passcode 642601, if applicable.

By computer, smartphone, tablet or other device, click here.

You may be prompted to enter a Meeting ID

Meeting ID: 838 5849 3256

Passcode: 642601

Or go to and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode as above.

You will be muted upon entry to the meeting.  To comment or ask a question, you must electronically “raise your hand”.  This will alert the Staff that you want to comment. 

If you are using a smart device, click on the “raise hand” feature in the control panel. 

If you are using a landline, dial *9 to “raise your hand”. 

You will be recognized in the order in which you entered the queue.  When it is your turn, you will be unmuted.  You must state your name before commenting.  After you make your comments, you will be muted again.  Thank you for your cooperation and participation. 

To ensure smooth access, we recommend that you test your remote Meeting software in advance of the meeting. 


1:30 Call to order; Comments from the Moderator/Additions to Agenda/Announcements/Reminders

  1. Public Comment: limit of 3 minutes/comment, if topic is not on today’s agenda
  2. Review and discuss Articles 1 – 11 from the Warning of the Annual Town Meeting
  3. Discuss other non-binding business (if applicable)


Next regular Selectboard meeting is scheduled for March 1, 2021 at 5:30 pm