To All Windham, VT Registered Voters:
You should have received your Official Vermont General Election Ballot, November 3, 2020 by mail. Please read and follow all directions carefully (Both sides of Green paper insert, instructions to voters at top of ballot, and when voting in each category, do not vote for any more candidates than the ballot indicates: one, two or five. Be sure to turn ballot over and continue voting for not more than five candidates for Windham Justice of the Peace.) If you make a mistake, DO NOT ERASE. Contact the Town Clerk at 874-4211 to obtain another ballot. Your voted ballot MUST BE placed into the VOTED BALLOT envelope. Only one ballot per envelope. THE FRONT OF THE VOTED BALLOT ENVELOPE MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY, SIGNED, DATED AND SEALED. The Voted Ballot envelope must then be put inside the postage paid Vermont Official Early or Absent Voters Ballot envelope, sealed and returned by mail NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 or must be delivered to the Town Clerk by Monday, November 2 by 8 PM or returned to the polls at the Windham Meeting House on November 3 between 10 AM and 7 PM. A new secure locked Drop-Box has been installed to the left of the Town Office front door for you to deposit your ballot, if the Town Office is closed. If you have received a ballot in the mail, but plan to vote in-person, please bring your ballot with you to the polls. Ballots will be available at the polls for those who register late (can be done as late as Election Day, November 3 at the polls, but you will need valid identification and proof of address) or for those who have been mailed a ballot but have lost or misplaced it. A signed affidavit form will need to be completed at the polls to receive a ballot.
The ballots for Windham School District Director to replace Antje Ruppert to complete her term until Town Meeting, March 2, 2021 have been mailed to all Windham Registered Voters. Follow the directions at the top of the ballot carefully. Use black pen or pencil to fill in the oval next to the candidate of your choice: Erin Kehoe, Carolyn Partridge or a Write-In. VOTE FOR ONLY ONE. If you make a mistake, DO NOT ERASE. Contact the Town Clerk at 874-4211 to obtain another ballot. READ and FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. There is an instruction sheet enclosed with your ballot. Basically, Follow the Same Procedure as above for Your General Election Ballot. Your voted ballot MUST BE placed into the VOTED BALLOT envelope. Only one ballot per envelope. THE FRONT OF THE VOTED BALLOT ENVELOPE MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY, SIGNED, DATED AND SEALED. The Voted Ballot envelope must then be put inside the Vermont Official Early or Absent Voters Ballot envelope, sealed, (postage must be added if mailing your ballot) and returned by mail NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 or must be delivered to the Town Clerk by Monday, November 2 between Noon and 8 PM, or returned to the polls at the Windham Meeting House on November 3 between 10 AM and 7 PM. A new secure locked Drop-Box has been installed to the left of the Town Office front door for you to deposit your ballot, if the Town Office is closed. If you have received a ballot in the mail, but plan to vote in-person, please bring your ballot with you to the polls. Ballots will be available at the polls for those who register late (can be done as late as Election Day, November 3 at the polls, but you will need valid identification and proof of address) or for those who have been mailed a ballot but have lost or misplaced it. A signed affidavit form will need to be completed at the polls to receive a ballot.
If you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk, Mike McLaine at 874-4211, visit (where you can also register to vote online) or email .
If you are not registered to vote in Windham, please go online at to register, or for more voting information. There is no deadline to register in Vermont. You may register to vote up to and including the day of the election. However, if you register online the day before the election or on Election Day, your application may not be processed and your name may not appear on the voter checklist, and you may be asked to fill out another application at the polls. To be sure your name appears on the checklist,please register by the Friday before the election, October 30.
In-person voting will be at the Meeting House (26 Harrington Road), with polls open from 10 AM to 7 PM. Due to the size of the building, only one voter will be allowed into the building at a time. Face masks will be required and social distancing rules will be enforced. Each voter will be given a golf pencil with which to vote; voters will keep the golf pencil. There will be signs directing you where to go, and election workers can answer any questions you may have.
Please contact the Town Clerk at (802)874-4211 with any specific questions or concerns you may have about the process.
If this is your first time voting by mail, keep the following guidelines in mind:
1) Please use black ink or pencil when marking your ballot. Remove stray marks and only vote for one candidate, unless otherwise noted on the ballot. Review your ballot to be sure there will be no question as to your vote by the person counting the votes.
2) Follow all directions carefully. You don’t want to have your vote “spoiled” or invalidated.
3) Everystate requires a voter to sign an affidavit on the outside of the sealed envelope containing their ballot, affirming their identity and eligibility to vote. So make sure you complete the Voted Envelope, Print your name, town, sign, date and seal this envelope before placing it into the outer envelope and seal it also. The most common reason for rejection of a ballot is that people forget to sign their ballot envelope, or do not enclose their ballot in the signed and sealed envelope.