Construction Update Londonderry-Chester Paving Project [Route 11 Paving]
Construction Update Londonderry-Chester Paving Project [Route 11 Paving] DATE: Friday, 5/15/20 PROJECT TYPE: Roadway construction LOCATION: The Londonderry-Chester paving project begins in the town of Londonderry just east of the intersection of Vermont Route 100 and Vermont 11 and extends easterly on Route 11 for approximately 14 miles to the town of Chester at the intersection with Lovers Lane. TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Expect alternating one-way traffic patterns in the area of active construction operations. Traffic control personnel will be present to help direct the flow of traffic. Expect minor delays. SCOPE OF WORK: Construction activities include coarse milling, cold in place recycling, and paving with a leveling course and a wearing course, drainage, pavement markings, guardrail and signage. Construction Activities: The contractor will begin installing underdrain starting in Andover heading towards Chester. Crews will be off the road by noon Friday 5/22 and will resume work on Tuesday 5/26. “As part of Governor Scott’s “Work Smart, Stay Safe” order, all construction crews are currently subject to safety restrictions and precautions.” Contact Information: Name – Katelyn Panaggio, Public Information Consultant, EIV Technical Services Phone – (802) 673-0001 Email – To learn more about VTrans Construction Projects, visit our projects website. |
US Census
Subject: Windham Town: Census Response Update
I wanted to give you an update on Census Response Rates as of April 1.
National: 36.2%
Vermont: 29.4%
Windham: 21.4%
As you can see, response rates in Vermont, and in particular, our area, are lagging behind the nation. In some cases, this is because the door-to-door delivery of forms in areas lacking postal delivery has been suspended due to the current health crisis. I would like to strongly urge you to send the following information out, any way you can, to Town residents, via email lists, Front Porch Forums, newsletters – essentially, ANY mechanism you may have to reach people! Simply cut and paste the below information.
Thank you for all that you can do!
The Decennial US Census has started; Response Lagging in our town!
On March 12, the online portal and the telephone bank at US Census opened for response. To date, millions of households have already responded to this critical questionnaire, which will determine how 675 billion dollars each year is allocated to the states. As of April 1, response rates are as follows:
National: 36.2%
Vermont: 29.4%
Windham: 21.4%
As you can see, Vermonters are responding at lower rates than the nation. Residents should not wait to receive a form. In fact, you can respond from the comfort of your home without ever interacting with a census taker!
You have two options: 1) First, you can go online at and complete your Census quickly and securely. 2) Or, if you prefer not to use the internet, you can call, toll-free, 1- 844-330-2020, and speak with a live person who will take your information entirely over the phone. There are only nine questions on all census questionnaires, so this will take you no more than 10 minutes!
Meals on Wheels, Medicare, school funding, transportation planning, and first responders all rely on the numbers that the Census produces. Make sure our area is counted, completely and accurately, by being proactive and responding TODAY!
Thomas T Simmons, Partnership Specialist
Windham/Windsor Counties VT
Sullivan County NH
U.S. Census Bureau
(802) 491- 7856
Shape your future. START HERE>
Link to the Vermont Public Health website for COVID-19
Upcoming school board meeting and the budget
Dear Members of the Community,
In preparation for the upcoming School Board and Budget Information Meeting, the Board considered it necessary to inform you about the current state of things.
As you well remember, the school budget did not pass at Town Meeting in March this year and is pending a revote which was scheduled to be held on April 18, 2020. According to the Secretary of State’s message from April 1, 2020, however, all budget revotes need to be postponed until the Governor’s Orders are lifted. At this time, even Australian ballot votes are deemed too hazardous as they require ballot processing and counting and put voters and election workers at too much risk of exposure to this very contagious virus. In light of that, the School Board will cancel the April 18 revote.
In terms of the school budget, on March 16, 2020, the Board approved a new budget proposal in the amount of $408,591. This budget is based on a faculty structure that was approved by our Superintendent, Bill Anton, and eliminates the need to hire a replacement for Sally Newton, the current K-3 teacher who will be retiring at the end of this school year. This model had been discussed by the Board and especially by our previous Board Chair Carolyn Partridge over the course of several months and was finally agreed to by our current teaching principal, Mickey Parker-Jennings. Together with our para-educator, Sara Wunderle, Mr. P-J. will be instructing all grade levels with support services from the WCSU. In monetary terms, this budget will bring the education spending below the penalty threshold and reduce the education tax rate from $2.63 per hundred dollars of value to $1.73. The Board believes that this is a responsible budget that will meet the needs of Windham’s students at a cost that taxpayers can afford.
More information about this new budget proposal will be provided in our meeting on Monday, April 13, 2020, in the specially scheduled Budget Information Meeting at 5 pm that follows the regular Board Meeting at 4 pm. These meetings will be held via an online platform called Zoom and are open and accessible to the public. To participate in Zoom meetings, one has to download the application from The installation is free of charge. Due to the necessity of increased security, the Superintendent asks that all members of the public contact the Board Chair, Antje Ruppert (, to request the password for the meeting. Bill Anton will also have a waiting room setup to double-check participants during the meetings. Unfortunately, these types of virtual meetings are prone to hacks and need to be safeguarded.
Please feel free to reach out to the School Board if you have any questions regarding the upcoming meetings, the budget, or any other school related issues. You can reach us by email or phone:
Antje Ruppert – – 874 4759
Beth McDonald – – 874 – 4015
Russel Cumming – – 874 – 7011
With best regards,
Windham School Board