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Windham Town Meeting Results

We had a total of 205 ballots counted for today’s Town Meeting.  Please see the results of the Town Meeting below (the most votes received for a particular article or candidate are marked in bold) :

 Article 1:                              To elect a Town Moderator for the year ensuing.

                                                         MICHAEL McLAINE 198

                                                         Write-Ins 2

                                                         Blank 5                                                    

Article 2:                               Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                         YES  182; NO  5; Blank 18

Article 3:                               To elect all Town Officers as required by law:

                                                Town Clerk, 3-year term:

                                                         ERIN KEHOE  43

                                                         ELLEN McDUFFIE  156

                                                         Blank 6

                                                Town Treasurer, 3-year term:

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 62

                                                         KATHY SCOTT 138

                                                         Blank 5

Selectperson, 3-year term:

                                                         RONALD COHEN 32

                                                         ASA GOODBAND 50

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 25

                                                         MICHAEL PELTON 91

                                                         Write-in 2

                                                         Blank 5

                                                Lister, 3-year term

         WILLIAM CASEY 147

                                                       Write-in 15

                                                       Blank 43

Auditor, 3-year term

         PAT McLAINE 177

                                                      Write-in 4

                                                       Blank 24

Constable, 2-year term

                                                       JOE LAMSON 18

                                                       JAMES LAWLER  9

                                                       Write-ins 12

                                                       Blank 148

Delinquent Tax Collector, 1-year term

         RUSS CUMMING 81

         PAUL WYMAN 117

                                                       Blank 7

                                                Windham Ctr. Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                        WILLIAM CASEY 36

                                                        DEANNA PARKER 27

                                                        Write-ins 18

                                                        Blank 124

                                                W. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                         PETER NEWTON 34

                                                         Write-ins 22

                                                         Blank 149     

N. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                         CAROL MERRITT 20

                                                         Write-ins 29

                                                         Blank 156

                                                Library Trustee, 5-year term:

                                                         MAUREEN BELL 189

                                                         Write-in 4

                                                         Blank 12

                                                West River Modified Unified School Director, 2 years of a 3-year term ending in 2024

                                                         CRYSTAL CORRIVEAU 104

                                                         RORY ROSSELOT 63

                                                         Write-in 18

                                                         Blank 20

Article 4:                               Shall the voters authorize the Town Treasurer to collect current taxes?

         YES 190; NO 6; Blank 9

Article 5:                               Shall the voters set the due date for property taxes as postmarked on or before October 31, 2022?

         YES 192; NO 6; Blank 7

Article 6:                               Shall the voters authorize General Fund expenditures for operating expenses of $236,413, of which $229,662 shall be raised by taxes, and $6,751 shall be applied from FY2021 non-tax revenue and budget surplus?  Voted 2021: $229,662

                                                       YES 187; NO 11; Blank 7

Article 7:                               Shall the voters authorize Roads Budget expenditures of $488,568, of which $482,500 shall be raised by taxes, and $6,048 shall be applied from FY2021 budget surplus?  Voted 2021: $488,568

                                                        YES 190; NO 11; Blank 4

 Article 8:                              Shall the voters appropriate $30,000 for the New Road Machinery Fund?  Not Voted for since 2020

                                                         YES 175; NO 24; Blank 6

Article 9:                               Shall the voters appropriate $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for the Bridges and Large Structures Fund?  Voted 2021:  $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for Bridges and Large Structures

                                                         YES 177; NO 23; Blank 5

Article 10:                            Shall the voters establish a Maintenance & Improvement Reserve fund for The Meeting House and transfer $5,000 from FY 2021 non-tax revenue and budget surplus?

                                                         YES 175; NO 23; Blank 7


Article 1:                               To elect a Moderator for a term of one (1) year.

                                                         MICHAEL McLAINE 194

                                                         Write-in 3

                                                         Blank 8

Article 2:                               Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                         YES 186; NO 7; Blank 12

Article 3:                               To elect all other officers required by law to be elected at the Windham School:

                                                School District Treasurer, 1-year term (ending 2023)

                                                         KATHY SCOTT 48

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 21

                                                         Write-in 13

                                                         Blank 123

                                                School District Director, 3-year term (ending 2025)

                                                         ABIGAIL PELTON 150

                                                         Write-in 16

                                                          Blank 39

Article 4:                               Shall the voters authorize the School District to compensate the School Directors $750 each as included in the proposed School Budget for 2022-2023?

                                                         YES 163; NO 30; Blank 12

Article 5:                               Shall the voters of the Windham School District approve the school board to expend $434,000 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?  It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $19,990 per equalized pupil.  This projected spending per equalized pupil is 17.87% more than spending for the current year.

                                                         YES 112; NO 85; Blank 8

Article 6:                               Shall the voters of the Windham School District authorize the moving of the operational surplus, if any, from FY 2022 to the Capital Reserve Fund?

                                                         YES 158; NO 32; Blank 15

Congratulations to all of the Candidates, and thank you to all of the election workers who stayed late to count the ballots.  Here’s hoping that next year will be in-person.

Take good care of each other.

Signing off for the last time as Town Clerk,

Mike McLaine

Windham Town Clerk

Windham Town Office

5976 Windham Hill Road

Windham, Vermont 05359

Tel: (802)-874-4211

Fax: (802)-874-4144

Affirmation of Civic Value

The Town of Windham affirms the civic value of constructive debate, respecting peaceful differences of opinion. It is vital to our growth as a community and in keeping with the dynamic history of our beautiful village that we provide an inclusive, welcoming, and productive environment for residents, stakeholders, and visitors alike regardless of differences in viewpoint, identity, and background.

Face Covering Rule Enacted

Town of Windham, Vermont


Section 1. Authority. 

This Rule is adopted by the Selectboard of the Town of Windham, VT under authority of Act 1, an act relating to temporary municipal rules in response to COVID-19 (2021).

Section 2. Purpose.

The purpose of this Rule is to require all individuals to wear face coverings while indoors at locations that are open to the public in order to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and protect the public health and safety of the Town of

Windham, VT.

Section 3. Requirement to Wear Face Coverings.

All individuals in the Town of Windham, VT shall wear face coverings over the nose and mouth while indoors at locations that are open to the public – The Town Office and The Windham Meeting House.

Section 4. Exceptions.

Face coverings are not required for children under 2 years

Section 5. Other Laws.

This Rule is in addition to all other ordinances and rules of the Town of Windham, VT and all applicable laws of the State of Vermont. All ordinances, rules, or parts of ordinances, rules, resolutions, regulations, or other documents inconsistent with the provisions of this Rule are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

Section 6. Severability.

If any section or provision of this Rule is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such finding shall not invalidate any other part of this Rule.

Section 7. Effective Period.

This Rule shall take effect immediately upon the approval by the Selectboard and shall remain in effect for a period not to exceed 45 days following its initial adoption. The Selectboard shall meet during the 45-day period in which this initial Rule is in effect and vote either to rescind this Rule or to extend it for an additional 30 days. Thereafter, the Selectboard shall meet at a minimum once every 30 days to reconsider this Rule, at which meeting the Selectboard shall vote either to rescind this Rule or to extend it for an additional 30-day period. The filing of a petition under 24 V.S.A. §§ 1972 and 1973, shall not govern the taking effect of this Rule.

ADOPTED by the Selectboard of the Windham, VT at its meeting on this

24th day of December, 2021.

SIGNATURES of Selectboard:

Town Clerk Hours 2021and Procedure

Good morning,

Due to the rising numbers of COVID, and out of concern for staff and citizens, as of today, December 21, 2021, public access to the Town Office is limited to appointments only.  I have shoveled out the front of the building so if people want to get a dog license, punch card, or transfer station permit, or conduct any other business, they may come to the front window.

Due to COVID-19, as of December 21, 2021 the Windham Town Office is open for appointments only. We ask that you call to make an appointment and that you wear a mask for the duration of your visit.

Thank you,


Town of Windham
5976 Windham Hill Road
Windham, VT 05359
Tel: (802) 874-4211
Fax: (802) 874-4144

Town Clerk Hours 2021
Monday: Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday: 6 AM-10 AM
Wednesday: 10 AM-2 PM


Veteran’s Honorary plaque dedication

Hello Windham residents,

The Veteran’s Honorary plaque has arrived and has been mounted on a beautiful rock outside the Meeting House.

There will be a dedication and celebration on Sunday, November 14th at 2pm at the Meeting House to honor those who have served.

Afterward there will be refreshments. I am looking for donations of deserts and finger sandwiches.

If you are able to help out, please let me know at   

or call me @ 802-875-8755.

Thank you in advance,

Imme Maurath