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Property Sale

Property Sale

Town of Windham

The Town of Windham is accepting offers on three residential properties. Anyone interested in buying one of these may submit an offer no later than August 15, 2022. The selectboard is not obligated to accept any of the offers. The properties are:

•        212 Woodburn Road – .47 acres, appraisal value $38,000, house needs significant repairs

•        510 Horsenail Hill Road – .52 acres, appraisal value $20,000, foundation is unstable

•        Vacant Land on Rt. 121 near Rt. 11 – .32 acres, appraisal value $3,500

Mail bids to (and please label as “sealed property bid”):

Kord Scott, Windham Town Office, 5976 Windham Hill Road, Windham, VT 05359.

Proposed Revision of Sec. 503 of Windham Zoning Regulations

Proposed Revision of Sec. 503 of Windham Zoning Regulations

The Windham Planning Commission has proposed that Sec. 503 of its Zoning Regulations, which pertains to Timber Harvesting, should be revised and amended.

Currently, Sec. 503 reads as follows:

To minimize environmental impact, improve wildlife habitat and maintain the productivity of the land:

  1. Trees shall not be felled into or across streams. Logging debris dropped into streams and ponds shall be promptly removed.
  2. Slash will not be left within 50 feet of property lines, any town road, established recreation trail, pond, lake or stream and 100 feet from buildings.
  3. Commercial loggers must secure a permit prior to beginning logging operations.

The state (specifically the Vermont Agency of Natural resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation), not the town of Windham, has the authority to regulate and enforce acceptable logging practices. Therefore, the first two enumerated entries in Sec. 503, as it is currently written, do not belong in town zoning regulations. Item #3 is vague and does not specify the kind of permit that is required or from whom it should be obtained. Additionally, in recent years logging operations sometimes have begun in Windham without the Select Board or Road Crew having any advanced notice, awareness of the size and scope of the operation or its possible effect upon town roads.

In an effort to correct the deficiencies noted above, the Planning Commission has proposed rewriting Sec. 503 (Timber Harvesting) to read as follows:

Before any logging operation which involves the use of Windham town roads may begin, the following three conditions must be met.

  1. Loggers and other contractors operating heavy equipment on Windham town roads must secure an overweight permit from the Town Clerk. Proof of liability insurance is required in order to get an overweight permit.
  2. Loggers or contractors who plan to use access roads and town roads to

transport logs must post a $500 bond at the Town Office. Approval of the Road Foreman is necessary before a bond may be returned.

  • After the first two conditions are met, the landowner, or a contractor specifically designated by the landowner, must get an access

permit signed by the town Road Foreman. The access permit is available at the Town Office or may be downloaded from the town’s website ( An appointment with the Road Foreman

may be scheduled by contacting the Town Clerk (802-874-4211.)

The current Zoning Regulations are available via the link below or the town office.