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Rabies Clinic Sign Up Deadline 4/4/25

2025 Human Rabies Vaccinations

Please read all information below before signing up:

  • The deadline to sign up and pay for the rabies vaccinations is April 4th, 2025. 
  • Payment is now ONLY taken online.  When you complete the signup form below, you will be redirected to the payment page. 
  • The clinics will be held on Saturday April 12th, April 19th, and May 3rd, 2025. The clinics will be from 2pm – 4pm on each of those Saturdays (we may add time if we have a lot of folks sign up.) They will be held at Deb Glottmann’s home. Directions to Deb’s will be sent once you have signed up and paid. Booster dates will be assigned as we get closer. There must be at least 5 people per vial.
  • The cost of the series will be $575. A booster will cost $195. Once the vial is open we only have a few hours to give the vaccine. Unfortunately, there is zero wiggle room. If you cannot make it for any reason your money can not be refunded. Everyone’s cost depends on everyone’s participation. Please do not ask, it is just not an option once the vaccine has been purchased.
  • This cost will NOT include the titer that you should run in the fall.

We are happy to organize this for the veterinary/rescue community, but we do need everyone’s cooperation to be able to afford the expense of this clinic.

Rabies is a viral disease that affects the brain. It is most always fatal once the symptoms develop. The rabies virus is transmitted through contact with saliva or nervous tissue of an infected animal. Persons with regular contact with wild animals should receive rabies prevention with Human Diploid Cell Vaccine (HDCV).

A series of three vaccinations given on days 0, 7, 21 or 28 should provide adequate protection.

Titers should be checked every two years and booster doses of vaccine should be given if the titer is less than 1:5. You will need additional boosters if you are bitten/exposed to a rabid animal even though you have received all of your pre-exposure shots.

Contraindications to vaccine: Certain drugs may interfere with the development of immunity if taken during the course of rabies vaccination. These drugs are all immunosuppressive agents (e.g., steroids, chemotherapy). Pre-exposure vaccination should not be given until the person stops taking these drugs. Similarly, persons with immunosuppressive illnesses may choose to wait until illness resolves before being vaccinated. Persons with a developing illness involving fever should delay vaccine until illness is resolved. It is not known whether the rabies vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman, or if it can affect reproductive capacity. Rabies vaccine should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. A pregnant woman or a woman planning a pregnancy should consult with her private physician or obstetrician before receiving rabies pre-exposure vaccination. People with a history of serious reaction to rabies vaccine or any of its components (e.g., neomycin) in the past should consult their physician before being re-vaccinated.

Possible adverse reactions or side effect of vaccination: Local reactions at the injection site such as pain or itching commonly occur. Systemic reactions such as headache, nausea, and dizziness occur in 5-40% of recipients. Approximately 6% of persons receiving booster doses of rabies vaccine develop an immune-complex reaction consisting of hives, joint pain, and fever. Serious allergic (anaphylactic) reactions occur rarely following vaccination. For severe reactions, call your physician. Rarely, the vaccine may fail to induce an adequate level of immunity. Your physician should report any serious reaction to us so we can notify manufacturer and VT Department of Health.

All vaccinations will be given by Dr. Stephanie Wawrzyniak, ND.

Please go to the link below to sign up. DEADLINE April 4, 2025

Deborah Glottmann, CVT  The Mitzvah Fund Presidentthemitzvahfundvt.orgthemitzvahfund1818@gmail.com802-461-3277 (Mitzvah Fund)802-249-7227 (Personal Cell)802-229-1911 Fax