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Tag: Listers

Message from the Listers (Winter Hours)

We will be transitioning to our winter hours, starting in November.  Simultaneously, we will also be switching back to Wednesdays from our current Tuesdays.  As ever, if you have an issue that needs immediate attention you may contact any of us at home and make an appointment or leave a message at the Town Office.  Any zoning or 911 signage issues can also be addressed on these days.  Here are the dates when we will be in the office (hours are 9a.m.-12p.m. on all dates):

November 7th and 21st; December 5th; January 23rd, and February 20th. In March, we will return to our regular hours of 9a.m.-12p.m. every Wednesday.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Alison Cummings, (802) 236-7564 (Zoning Administrator)

Meredith Tips-McLaine, (802) 875-1550 (9-1-1 Coordinator)

Russell Cumming, (802) 874-7011

Windham Town Office: (802) 874-4211

We also have an email address, to which we all have access from home: