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Author: vancebell

Informational meeting on the 2020-21 homestead school tax rate

Windham homestead taxpayers are invited to attend an informational meeting on the 2020-21 homestead school tax rate. The tax rate will increase significantly for all homestead taxpayers. The Homestead tax rate has gone up by 73% over 5 years.  The biggest increase will be felt by those taxpayers who pay based on income and receive credits to offset their taxes (income sensitivity).  This affects approx. 114 of 143 households in town. Please plan to attend on whichever date best fits your schedule.  The meetings will be held at Windham Elementary School on:

Thursday, Feb. 13th from 6 to 8 pm, child care will be offered.

Saturday, Feb. 15th from 4 to 6 pm, child care will be offered.

Sunday, Feb. 16th from 4 to 6 pm,  no child care offered.

These meetings are informational and you don’t need to attend all 3 meetings. No solution or remedies are being offered.  Information will be given out on how you may contact your legislators to urge passage of bills that may help reduce the Pre-K Special Education expense responsible for much of this increase. 

This is a chance for Windham residents to possibly garner attention at the State level and advocate for some long-overdue tax relief.  Please plan to attend and urge your neighbors to attend.  

We hope to see you there. See the attached spread sheet. The ad-hoc committee

Results of the Special Town Meeting

Article 1: To elect a Selectboard member (to fill vacancy created by the death of a Selectboard member, term to expire Town Meeting 2021 Result – Peter Chamberlain elected

Article 2: Shall the Town of Windham vote on all public questions by Australian ballot? Results – No 61 Yes 40

Article 3: Shall the Town of Windham elect town officers by Australian ballot? Results – No 48 Yes 39 1 Missing Ballot

Article 4: Shall the Town of Windham adopt all budget articles by Australian ballot? Results – No – by Division of the House