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Author: vancebell

Free Passes are available to Borrow from the Windham Library for the Retreat Farm

Please visit the library on Wednesdays from 3:00 – 5:00 if you would like to borrow any of these actual passes or even just look at the brochures and maps to plan your next excursion.

Retreat Farm – Located next to the Grafton Village Cheese Store in Brattleboro, you can lead sheep to pasture, frolic with the goats, make cheese, collect eggs and gather herbs as you explore our learning center, forest playground, children’s garden and farm shop.  With 9 miles of trails, outdoor activities and special events for all ages, there is always something to do, see and experience at Retreat Farm.

As a center for farm-based education, Retreat Farm is committed to providing high-quality, affordable educational programming through our Children’s Farm & Forest program. Launched in 2017, this Program is designed to instill a love of the natural world through farming, play, and hands-on exploration.

More passes available to borrow from the Windham Library:

Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on the Windham Enhanced Energy Plan July 11, 2018

Meeting Warning — The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing July 11, 2018 concerning the Town of Windham Enhanced Energy Plan. This plan will meet the Vermont State requirements for providing a means to fulfill the 90% renewable by 2050 energy goals .  Comments may be emailed to the

For the complete version of the Enhanced Energy Plan Click here.

Green Up Day Windham

 Greetings Windham Residents!!!

It’s that time of year again, and the Green Up Bags have arrived!

Green Up Day is this coming Saturday May 5th.  We will have refreshments when you pick up your bags at town office anytime after 9am.

It is tick season so please remember the following:

Wear light colored clothing

Long sleeve shirts and long pants

Use insect repellent

Also don’t forget gloves to protect against sharp objects.

If you are unable to join us on the 5th, bags and sign-up sheet will be available at Town Office prior to Saturday during regular office hours: Monday 12-8pm, Tuesday 6-10am, and Wednesday 10-2pm the week.

Mia Clark

Green Up Day Coordinator

Select Board Public Hearing on New Zoning Regulations

Warning:  The Select Board of the Town of Windham is holding a public hearing to review the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Windham on Monday May 14, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Office, 5976 Windham Hill Road.  A copy of the full text of the Zoning Regulations may be found at the Town Office and at the Town’s website:

Purpose:              It is the intent of these Regulations to implement the Windham Town Plan, provide for orderly community growth, protect agricultural areas, soil, forests, water, natural resources, public health, recreation, historical sites, and to further the purposes established in the Act.

Geographic Area:             The entire Town of Windham

Zoning Regulations Section Headings:

Article I:               Authority and Purpose

Article II:              Zoning Districts and District Standards

Article III:             Administration and Enforcement

Article IV:            General Standards

Article V:              Standards for Special Uses

Article VI:            Planned Unit Development

Article VII:           Flood and Fluvial Erosion Hazard Area Regulations

Chris Fisher Multimedia Presentation “Southern Africa”

JUST A QUICK REMINDER! Come watch a magical presentation that will transport you to the fascinating world of Southern Africa. Come take a Sunday afternoon vacation, and be transported 7,868 miles away to see stunning photographs taken by Windham part-time resident Chris Fisher.

SUNDAY, APRIL 29 at 4 PM at the Windham Meeting House, Chris Fisher will present a multimedia show titled  “SOUTHERN AFRICA”

This presentation combines photographs from two trips Chris Fisher, a part-time Windham resident, and his wife, Diane, took to Southern Africa. Chris will take you through the countries of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa, as you view big game animals, birds, flowers, scenery and the culture that make up this fascinating place. This show includes both music and narration combined in a professional multimedia presentation which you are sure to enjoy.

This program is hosted by the Windham Community Organization, and is free and open to all. Popcorn and lemonade will be served.


Warning of Property Tax Grievance

Warning of Property Tax Grievance

Windham Board of Listers will hold Grievance Hearings
for the 2018 Grand List TOWN OF WINDHAM, VERMONT
Warning of Property Tax Grievance
Windham Board of Listers will hold Grievance Hearings
for the 2018 Grand List on
Saturday June 9, 2018 9 am -12:00 noon
Tuesday June 12, 2018 9 am – 3:00 pm

Please call the town office to schedule a