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Property Sale

Property Sale

Town of Windham

The Town of Windham is accepting offers on three residential properties. Anyone interested in buying one of these may submit an offer no later than August 15, 2022. The selectboard is not obligated to accept any of the offers. The properties are:

•        212 Woodburn Road – .47 acres, appraisal value $38,000, house needs significant repairs

•        510 Horsenail Hill Road – .52 acres, appraisal value $20,000, foundation is unstable

•        Vacant Land on Rt. 121 near Rt. 11 – .32 acres, appraisal value $3,500

Mail bids to (and please label as “sealed property bid”):

Kord Scott, Windham Town Office, 5976 Windham Hill Road, Windham, VT 05359.

Proposed Revision of Sec. 503 of Windham Zoning Regulations

Proposed Revision of Sec. 503 of Windham Zoning Regulations

The Windham Planning Commission has proposed that Sec. 503 of its Zoning Regulations, which pertains to Timber Harvesting, should be revised and amended.

Currently, Sec. 503 reads as follows:

To minimize environmental impact, improve wildlife habitat and maintain the productivity of the land:

  1. Trees shall not be felled into or across streams. Logging debris dropped into streams and ponds shall be promptly removed.
  2. Slash will not be left within 50 feet of property lines, any town road, established recreation trail, pond, lake or stream and 100 feet from buildings.
  3. Commercial loggers must secure a permit prior to beginning logging operations.

The state (specifically the Vermont Agency of Natural resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation), not the town of Windham, has the authority to regulate and enforce acceptable logging practices. Therefore, the first two enumerated entries in Sec. 503, as it is currently written, do not belong in town zoning regulations. Item #3 is vague and does not specify the kind of permit that is required or from whom it should be obtained. Additionally, in recent years logging operations sometimes have begun in Windham without the Select Board or Road Crew having any advanced notice, awareness of the size and scope of the operation or its possible effect upon town roads.

In an effort to correct the deficiencies noted above, the Planning Commission has proposed rewriting Sec. 503 (Timber Harvesting) to read as follows:

Before any logging operation which involves the use of Windham town roads may begin, the following three conditions must be met.

  1. Loggers and other contractors operating heavy equipment on Windham town roads must secure an overweight permit from the Town Clerk. Proof of liability insurance is required in order to get an overweight permit.
  2. Loggers or contractors who plan to use access roads and town roads to

transport logs must post a $500 bond at the Town Office. Approval of the Road Foreman is necessary before a bond may be returned.

  • After the first two conditions are met, the landowner, or a contractor specifically designated by the landowner, must get an access

permit signed by the town Road Foreman. The access permit is available at the Town Office or may be downloaded from the town’s website ( An appointment with the Road Foreman

may be scheduled by contacting the Town Clerk (802-874-4211.)

The current Zoning Regulations are available via the link below or the town office.

Selectboard needs Volunteers for Committee on ARPA funds

The Town of Windham has been awarded $120,000 through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and decisions need to be made about how to spend it.  Officially, the ARPA funds serve to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery.

The Selectboard is creating a committee to decide how to use this money, as there are many options, everything from assisting households, small businesses, and nonprofits that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, to investing in needed broadband infrastructure.  Some other options include promoting tourism, supporting artistic endeavors, providing educational services, and funding climate mitigation efforts, such as buying an electric school bus or installing solar panels.

A diverse group is wanted to serve on Windham’s ARPA committee – young parents, retirees, those of all ages, business owners, educators, environmentalists, artists, broadband enthusiasts, health care providers, members of the WCO – those who care about the well-being of our town.

If you would like to serve on the committee, please contact George Dutton at or Michael Pelton at

Windham Town Meeting Results

We had a total of 205 ballots counted for today’s Town Meeting.  Please see the results of the Town Meeting below (the most votes received for a particular article or candidate are marked in bold) :

 Article 1:                              To elect a Town Moderator for the year ensuing.

                                                         MICHAEL McLAINE 198

                                                         Write-Ins 2

                                                         Blank 5                                                    

Article 2:                               Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                         YES  182; NO  5; Blank 18

Article 3:                               To elect all Town Officers as required by law:

                                                Town Clerk, 3-year term:

                                                         ERIN KEHOE  43

                                                         ELLEN McDUFFIE  156

                                                         Blank 6

                                                Town Treasurer, 3-year term:

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 62

                                                         KATHY SCOTT 138

                                                         Blank 5

Selectperson, 3-year term:

                                                         RONALD COHEN 32

                                                         ASA GOODBAND 50

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 25

                                                         MICHAEL PELTON 91

                                                         Write-in 2

                                                         Blank 5

                                                Lister, 3-year term

         WILLIAM CASEY 147

                                                       Write-in 15

                                                       Blank 43

Auditor, 3-year term

         PAT McLAINE 177

                                                      Write-in 4

                                                       Blank 24

Constable, 2-year term

                                                       JOE LAMSON 18

                                                       JAMES LAWLER  9

                                                       Write-ins 12

                                                       Blank 148

Delinquent Tax Collector, 1-year term

         RUSS CUMMING 81

         PAUL WYMAN 117

                                                       Blank 7

                                                Windham Ctr. Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                        WILLIAM CASEY 36

                                                        DEANNA PARKER 27

                                                        Write-ins 18

                                                        Blank 124

                                                W. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                         PETER NEWTON 34

                                                         Write-ins 22

                                                         Blank 149     

N. Windham Cemetery Commissioner, 5-year term:

                                                         CAROL MERRITT 20

                                                         Write-ins 29

                                                         Blank 156

                                                Library Trustee, 5-year term:

                                                         MAUREEN BELL 189

                                                         Write-in 4

                                                         Blank 12

                                                West River Modified Unified School Director, 2 years of a 3-year term ending in 2024

                                                         CRYSTAL CORRIVEAU 104

                                                         RORY ROSSELOT 63

                                                         Write-in 18

                                                         Blank 20

Article 4:                               Shall the voters authorize the Town Treasurer to collect current taxes?

         YES 190; NO 6; Blank 9

Article 5:                               Shall the voters set the due date for property taxes as postmarked on or before October 31, 2022?

         YES 192; NO 6; Blank 7

Article 6:                               Shall the voters authorize General Fund expenditures for operating expenses of $236,413, of which $229,662 shall be raised by taxes, and $6,751 shall be applied from FY2021 non-tax revenue and budget surplus?  Voted 2021: $229,662

                                                       YES 187; NO 11; Blank 7

Article 7:                               Shall the voters authorize Roads Budget expenditures of $488,568, of which $482,500 shall be raised by taxes, and $6,048 shall be applied from FY2021 budget surplus?  Voted 2021: $488,568

                                                        YES 190; NO 11; Blank 4

 Article 8:                              Shall the voters appropriate $30,000 for the New Road Machinery Fund?  Not Voted for since 2020

                                                         YES 175; NO 24; Blank 6

Article 9:                               Shall the voters appropriate $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for the Bridges and Large Structures Fund?  Voted 2021:  $90,000 for Repaving and $15,000 for Bridges and Large Structures

                                                         YES 177; NO 23; Blank 5

Article 10:                            Shall the voters establish a Maintenance & Improvement Reserve fund for The Meeting House and transfer $5,000 from FY 2021 non-tax revenue and budget surplus?

                                                         YES 175; NO 23; Blank 7


Article 1:                               To elect a Moderator for a term of one (1) year.

                                                         MICHAEL McLAINE 194

                                                         Write-in 3

                                                         Blank 8

Article 2:                               Shall the voters accept the Town Report prepared by the Auditors?

                                                         YES 186; NO 7; Blank 12

Article 3:                               To elect all other officers required by law to be elected at the Windham School:

                                                School District Treasurer, 1-year term (ending 2023)

                                                         KATHY SCOTT 48

                                                         ERIN KEHOE 21

                                                         Write-in 13

                                                         Blank 123

                                                School District Director, 3-year term (ending 2025)

                                                         ABIGAIL PELTON 150

                                                         Write-in 16

                                                          Blank 39

Article 4:                               Shall the voters authorize the School District to compensate the School Directors $750 each as included in the proposed School Budget for 2022-2023?

                                                         YES 163; NO 30; Blank 12

Article 5:                               Shall the voters of the Windham School District approve the school board to expend $434,000 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?  It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $19,990 per equalized pupil.  This projected spending per equalized pupil is 17.87% more than spending for the current year.

                                                         YES 112; NO 85; Blank 8

Article 6:                               Shall the voters of the Windham School District authorize the moving of the operational surplus, if any, from FY 2022 to the Capital Reserve Fund?

                                                         YES 158; NO 32; Blank 15

Congratulations to all of the Candidates, and thank you to all of the election workers who stayed late to count the ballots.  Here’s hoping that next year will be in-person.

Take good care of each other.

Signing off for the last time as Town Clerk,

Mike McLaine

Windham Town Clerk

Windham Town Office

5976 Windham Hill Road

Windham, Vermont 05359

Tel: (802)-874-4211

Fax: (802)-874-4144