Local Concerns Meeting
Windham Route 121 Culvert Replacement Project
Presentation: Otter Creek Engineering, Windham Regional Commission
As part of the Windham Selectboard meeting starting at 5:30 PM on May 17, 2021, this will be the first of three public meetings to inform and solicit input from the public on this project funded 80% by a Federal grant. The proposal is to replace a deteriorated culvert with precast box concrete structure with wing walls (on the gravel section of Route 121 not far from the intersection with Windham Hill Road). The project construction/completion is anticipated for summer 2023.
Please join us by Zoom to hear what the engineering company has to say and bring your questions. You can access the meeting online or by phone using the following information:
Topic: Selectboard Meeting
Time: May 17, 2021 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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