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Please Complete US Census

In fact, you can respond from the comfort of your home without ever interacting with a census taker!

You have two options: 1) First, you can go online at and complete your Census quickly and securely.  2) Or, if you prefer not to use the internet, you can call, toll-free, 1- 844-330-2020, and speak with a live person who will take your information entirely over the phone.  There are only nine questions on all census questionnaires, so this will take you no more than 10 minutes!
Meals on Wheels, Medicare, school funding, transportation planning, and first responders all rely on the numbers that the Census produces.  Make sure our area is counted, completely and accurately, by being proactive and responding TODAY!

Lots of School Info

1) Windham Elementary School Board Meeting, Monday, June 8 at 4 PM at the school. Email Antje Ruppert at: for an invitation to the online meeting any time but at least 2 hours prior to the meeting.

2) Windham Elementary School Budget Information Meeting, Monday, June 8 at 5 PM at the school. Email Antje Ruppert at: for an invitation to the online meeting any time but at least 2 hours prior to the meeting.

3) West River Modified Union Education District Annual Meeting and Informational Hearing, Tuesday, June 9 at 7 PM at the Leland & Gray High School Library in Townshend

4) Australian Ballot voting on the Windham Elementary School Budget and the West River Modified Union Education District at The Meeting House on Wednesday, June 10 from 10 AM- 7 PM.

West River Modified Union Education District to Organize

The legal voters of the West River Modified Union Education District, comprising the voters of the Towns of Brookline, Jamaica, Newfane, and Townshend for prekindergarten through Grade 12 and the Town of Windham for Grades 7-12 will meet at the Leland and Gray Middle High School in Townshend, VT, on Monday June 26th at 7:00 pm.

Immediately following this Special Meeting, the West River Modified Union Education District will organize and elect its very first officers.

“There is excitement around creating a new school district and further unifying the Leland and Gray towns,” stated Windham Central Supervisory Union Superintendent Bill Anton.

The creation of the West River Modified Union Education District is the result of the work of the Leland & Gray Towns Act 46 Study Committee. The elected officials who will make up the new school district board have been meeting informally as a gathering of citizens.

“The members of the new board are excited and ready to continue the work of the study committee. Taking the plan for the new district from the 10,000 foot level to the operational level is challenging but rewarding work,” according to Joe Winrich, Study Committee Chair.

West River Modified Union District: Annual Meeting

WhenTue, June 9, 7pm – 8pm

WhereRemote – Zoom Meeting – See Link Below (map)


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 945 5356 9743
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Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
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        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 945 5356 9743
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Windham Meeting House is now a free Wi-Fi hotspot

Thanks to a generous donation from Microsoft, the Windham Meeting House is now a Wi-Fi hotspot!  At no cost to the Town, the outdoor range extender has been installed and tested.  You can access it from your vehicle for such things as telehealth appointments, remote learning, and general internet connectivity.

The network name is Windham Hotspot and it is open no password is necessary.  Maureen

Vermont EAB Update

Subject: FW: Vermont EAB Update

To report a sighting

The EAB Flight Season Starts on June 1st and continues until September 30th. This is the time when EAB emerge

  • The EAB Flight Season Starts on June 1st and continues until September 30th. This is the time when EAB emerge from ash trees and infested and untreated ash wood products, such as ash firewood, and seek new host trees and a mate. Without due care, anyone can inadvertently spread EAB to uninfested areas. By following the “Slow the Spread” recommendations consulting foresters, loggers, landowners, utilities, purchasers of ash forest products, and others, can responsibly move ash wood products and limit the rate of human-caused spread.
  • Following the Slow the Spread Recommendations: Our efforts to protect Vermont’s ash trees need an all-in approach to following optimal practices that reduce the risk of human-assisted spread of EAB. While we have distributed our message through numerous channels, there is evidence that we are not reaching everyone. Our goal is to ensure that all consulting foresters, logging contractors, and log haulers are aware of the flight season and the serious risk of moving ash to mills, log yards, firewood processors, and homeowners. To that end we are asking for your assistance with communicating Vermont’s “Slow the Spread” message to those working within the infested areas. Foresters, logging contractors, and log haulers should become familiar with the “Slow the Spread” recommendations and contact the purchaser of ash products they work with for guidance on when, or if, they should deliver ash logs and pulpwood to them before moving those products outside an infested area. There is a high risk of spreading EAB at any time of year if ash firewood is delivered for use as homeowner firewood outside the infested area, whether it is log-length or split but not heat treated.