Windham Harvest Supper Nov 9, 2019 5 pm

Weekly Construction Update, 10/31/19 |
Construction Update Londonderry-Chester Paving Project [Route 11 Paving] DATE: Thursday, 10/31/19 PROJECT TYPE: Roadway construction LOCATION: The Londonderry-Chester paving project begins in the town of Londonderry just east of the intersection of Vermont Route 100 and Vermont 11 and extends easterly on Route 11 for approximately 14 miles to the town of Chester at the intersection with Lovers Lane. TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Expect alternating one-way traffic patterns in the area of active construction operations. Motorists may encounter more than one operation throughout the project limits. Traffic control personnel will be present to help direct the flow of traffic. SCOPE OF WORK: Construction activities include coarse milling, cold in place recycling, and paving with a leveling course and a wearing course, drainage, pavement markings, guardrail and signage. Construction Activities: The contractor will be onsite next week installing construction signs and erosion control measures throughout the length of the project. Underdrain work is tentatively scheduled to begin next week. Please expect alternating one way traffic in areas of construction activity. Minor delays will occur. |
The Energy Fair will be held Nov. 14 6:30PM at the Windham Elementary School. There will be discussions of energy savings by Windham residents and Efficiency VT.
Also see
Updated Town Plan is available by clicking on this link and then downloading the document. The public hearing by the Windham Planning Commission will be held on Nov 12, 2019 at the Town Office at 6:30 PM
PDF available below –
Thanks to Frank for development of the link-
Calculated the education tax as homestead and non-homestead
so anyone can see how that is. The ed tax rates are from the
Vermont data and calculated based on the Grand list value – no
adjustments of any kind, just what the tax is on that value.
The information in no way is an endorsement of any products, but meant as a starting point for your data gathering of services.
WCAX report on tornado EF 1+
Some photos of the Timber Ridge area