School Budget Passed
We had 92 voters turn out to vote, and the School budget passed 79-13. Thank you for your participation.
We had 92 voters turn out to vote, and the School budget passed 79-13. Thank you for your participation.
1) Windham Elementary School Board Meeting, Monday, June 8 at 4 PM at the school. Email Antje Ruppert at: for an invitation to the online meeting any time but at least 2 hours prior to the meeting.
2) Windham Elementary School Budget Information Meeting, Monday, June 8 at 5 PM at the school. Email Antje Ruppert at: for an invitation to the online meeting any time but at least 2 hours prior to the meeting.
3) West River Modified Union Education District Annual Meeting and Informational Hearing, Tuesday, June 9 at 7 PM at the Leland & Gray High School Library in Townshend
4) Australian Ballot voting on the Windham Elementary School Budget and the West River Modified Union Education District at The Meeting House on Wednesday, June 10 from 10 AM- 7 PM.
West River Modified Union Education District to Organize
The legal voters of the West River Modified Union Education District, comprising the voters of the Towns of Brookline, Jamaica, Newfane, and Townshend for prekindergarten through Grade 12 and the Town of Windham for Grades 7-12 will meet at the Leland and Gray Middle High School in Townshend, VT, on Monday June 26th at 7:00 pm.
Immediately following this Special Meeting, the West River Modified Union Education District will organize and elect its very first officers.
“There is excitement around creating a new school district and further unifying the Leland and Gray towns,” stated Windham Central Supervisory Union Superintendent Bill Anton.
The creation of the West River Modified Union Education District is the result of the work of the Leland & Gray Towns Act 46 Study Committee. The elected officials who will make up the new school district board have been meeting informally as a gathering of citizens.
“The members of the new board are excited and ready to continue the work of the study committee. Taking the plan for the new district from the 10,000 foot level to the operational level is challenging but rewarding work,” according to Joe Winrich, Study Committee Chair.
West River Modified Union District: Annual Meeting
WhenTue, June 9, 7pm – 8pm
WhereRemote – Zoom Meeting – See Link Below (map)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 5356 9743
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Meeting ID: 945 5356 9743
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Thanks to a generous donation from Microsoft, the Windham Meeting House is now a Wi-Fi hotspot! At no cost to the Town, the outdoor range extender has been installed and tested. You can access it from your vehicle for such things as telehealth appointments, remote learning, and general internet connectivity.
The network name is Windham Hotspot and it is open – no password is necessary. Maureen
School Budget Vote held on June 10th
Subject: FW: Vermont EAB Update
To report a sighting
The EAB Flight Season Starts on June 1st and continues until September 30th. This is the time when EAB emerge
Construction Update Londonderry-Chester Paving Project [Route 11 Paving] DATE: Friday, 5/15/20 PROJECT TYPE: Roadway construction LOCATION: The Londonderry-Chester paving project begins in the town of Londonderry just east of the intersection of Vermont Route 100 and Vermont 11 and extends easterly on Route 11 for approximately 14 miles to the town of Chester at the intersection with Lovers Lane. TRAFFIC IMPACTS: Expect alternating one-way traffic patterns in the area of active construction operations. Traffic control personnel will be present to help direct the flow of traffic. Expect minor delays. SCOPE OF WORK: Construction activities include coarse milling, cold in place recycling, and paving with a leveling course and a wearing course, drainage, pavement markings, guardrail and signage. Construction Activities: The contractor will begin installing underdrain starting in Andover heading towards Chester. Crews will be off the road by noon Friday 5/22 and will resume work on Tuesday 5/26. “As part of Governor Scott’s “Work Smart, Stay Safe” order, all construction crews are currently subject to safety restrictions and precautions.” Contact Information: Name – Katelyn Panaggio, Public Information Consultant, EIV Technical Services Phone – (802) 673-0001 Email – To learn more about VTrans Construction Projects, visit our projects website. |