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Windham Selectboard Meeting and Web Conference Held via Zoom

Windham, VT Selectboard

Organizational and Special Meeting Agenda

Web Conference via Zoom

March 30, 2020  5:30 PM

To the Public:  We are attempting to meet this way in the event that Governor Scott signs a bill allowing us to do so (not having to meet in a public place) by Monday afternoon.  Bear with us – this is all new to us.  If you want to try to join us by phone, I believe you can dial 1-929-205-6099 to join in.  If you need a meeting ID#, it is

426 894 088.  If you need a password, it is 300059.  (If it matters, this is a toll call.)

In order to cut down on background noise, we ask that you mute your phone, unless you specifically have something to say on the topic.  Thank you.

Cancelling West River Annual Meeting & Australian Ballot Vote

To:       West River Board

From:  Board Chair Joe Winrich & Superintendent Bill Anton

Re:      Cancelling West River Annual Meeting & Australian Ballot Vote

We have consulted with Will Senning at the Secretary of State’s office. The advice we are getting is that we should cancel the upcoming Annual Meeting and Australian Ballot Vote.

The Process:

  • Hold a short meeting Monday, March 23rd to cancel the Annual Meeting and Australian Ballot vote.
  • Post the warning for this meeting in the same locations as the Annual meeting and Australian Ballot vote were warned.
  • Hold a short meeting Thursday, March 26th (after when the vote was to take place) and warn an Annual Meeting and Australian Ballot Vote.
  • Town Clerks should hold all ballots from early voting for the 90 day period and seek advice from the Secretary of State on what to do with the ballots.

Informational meeting on the 2020-21 homestead school tax rate

Windham homestead taxpayers are invited to attend an informational meeting on the 2020-21 homestead school tax rate. The tax rate will increase significantly for all homestead taxpayers. The Homestead tax rate has gone up by 73% over 5 years.  The biggest increase will be felt by those taxpayers who pay based on income and receive credits to offset their taxes (income sensitivity).  This affects approx. 114 of 143 households in town. Please plan to attend on whichever date best fits your schedule.  The meetings will be held at Windham Elementary School on:

Thursday, Feb. 13th from 6 to 8 pm, child care will be offered.

Saturday, Feb. 15th from 4 to 6 pm, child care will be offered.

Sunday, Feb. 16th from 4 to 6 pm,  no child care offered.

These meetings are informational and you don’t need to attend all 3 meetings. No solution or remedies are being offered.  Information will be given out on how you may contact your legislators to urge passage of bills that may help reduce the Pre-K Special Education expense responsible for much of this increase. 

This is a chance for Windham residents to possibly garner attention at the State level and advocate for some long-overdue tax relief.  Please plan to attend and urge your neighbors to attend.  

We hope to see you there. See the attached spread sheet. The ad-hoc committee